I hope Mrs. Gillmore noticed my "A Thousand Splendid Suns" post. It's under the million pictures of the Nike's.
Tuesday was the day I went and got my wisdom teeth out. It was so weird. We drove to Jonesboro, and went to the place, filled out the papers, and then I went and sat in the room. My dad and I watched a little video about the surgery, and after the surgery. Bahah. It was weird.. The doctor came in and he talked to me about what he was going to do. Soooo then him and the lady left and I watched football highlights on espN hahah. The lady came back and took my blood pressure and all that, and then the doctors nurse came in..(it was a guy..a hot guy) annnd he did my IV. But it took him like 50 tries to find a vein. It was awkward. So finally they found a vein, and I slept. I've never had an IV before, so it was a really crazy experience! They woke me up and put me in this little dark room, and I watched another video. Then we drove home..and I slept the whole way. Then I went to sleep for like 3 days. I watched tv a lot, and ate pudding. I ate ice cream last night. Then today I watched Law & Order till my brain condensed into soup. I hate wisdom teeth. Blahhh. I feel like I've missed so much haha.
I'm watching the movie "Big" right now. Yeee hawww. I love Tom Hankes.
There are 41 days till Christmas? I think.
I'm still writing my short story..It's harder than I thought it would be. I don't know if it's believeable enough, and I keep getting stuck.
Oh well, I'll keep working on it.
I can't wait till I get better. I don't like having fat cheeks.
WRiTiNG TiP #6
Dialogue is important in a story, but it should only be used to develop character or to advance the story. It should not be used just to hear characters talk. Dialogue makes fiction seem real. However, dialogue that copies reality may actually slow down a story. Avoid unnecessary or repetitive dialogue.
How true about dialogue! Thinking about how much my husband and me communicate with just a look or a private joke. That type of dialogue would be hard to follow.
Yeah, definitley! Dialogue can be tricky!
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