I wish I could leave on the next plane; I want to get away, in a BIG way. I can't wait till college, and life after college. Who ever thinks I'm going to live in a small town, they better hold their breath.
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Dear Santa,
This is my greedy list. I know I won't get anyyy of these things, but here you go.
Have fun putting my name on the naughty list.
I can only wish.
The whole banning gay marriage thing.
First of all, let me just say, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. How is it the governments concern if two men or two women get married? We shouldn't even say because of the bible, because the bible has nothing to do or SHOULD have nothing to do with our governments decisions. The whole wide world doesn't believe in the same religions. Ughh, I'm a Christian, but I seriously shake my head in disgust with some of these "Christian's" decisions.
I think it's un-Christian like to tell two people they can't marry. How is their marriage going to affect what anyone else does?
That's a personal thing, and no one should tell them they can't legally be married. What if someone told YOU you couldn't get married to another person? You'd be pretty mad, I bet.
It just all boils down to the fact that I don't understand why people make such a big deal about gay marriage. Gay men and women are just like every one else, when they fall in love with someone, they might want to take the next step...but if you cannot LEGALLY get married, then whats the next step?
Oh yeah, and in Arkansas, two people who aren't married can't even adopt children!?
Oh my goodness, these two things blow my mind.
Just because these hypocrites don't want gay couples to raise these children, they passed that Act.
Now it's going to be even HARDER to adopt.
Good job, guys.
Gooood job.
Atleast Obama is President now. That's probably the only thing that would have saved us.
World, you're in my prayers.
Santa, please get me those Nike's.
hey hun! thanks for stoppin by!
the song isnt Luda... it's actually Dom Kennedy and it's called Watermelon Sundae. Dom Kennedy is dope as fuck! peep him asap!! lol
We will see what Santa has for you. You never know...
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