I think this should strictly be for school, & like about the books I'm reading & what not.
I'm making a new blog for all my word vomit.
New blog coming SOON.
Get ready, for something BIG.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Make Believe Movies & Real Life
"I know you don't believe in fairy tales. But, if you did, I'd want to be your knight in shining armor. You've been through so much. I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Now I may not be able to give you all that your used to. But I do know I can love you past your pain. I don't want you to worry about anything. You just wake up in the morning, that's all you have to do and I'll take it from there.
There's one condition. You have to be my wife"
Quotes like these in movies drive me crazy. When do men actually do the things they do in movies? Cooking, saying the PERFECT thing, looking good 100% of the time...Never. I wish they were real, I wish guys acted like they did in movies. But they act the opposite. They always say the wrong things, always. When I start to like someone, they always change my mind by the things they say. Ughh. It's frustrating.
Maybe I'm too picky, maybe I can't judge someone that hard. But, I feel like I deserve more than a boy full of hormones, and overused lines.
I want someone who can be serious, but can make me laugh when the times right. I want someone who loves music just as much as I do, good music. I want someone who isn't afraid to tell me the truth, and what he feels. Someone who is strong, but can show their feelings. I want someone who looks good all the time...lol.
I'm sick of putting up with someone that I don't want to put up with. I want someone who I'm happy to be around, who I miss when I'm not.
Once you've had love, its impossible to go back to not having it...
That was in a book I read.
So for now, I'm just going to focus on me, and wait. He'll come along, they always do when you're not looking.
So come my way. :)
Tonight I came across a new magazine I'd never seen. It's called Flaunt, and that was the dumbest 80 some pages I've ever seen, in my life. The magazine was EIGHT dollars. EIGHT DOLLARS. I was in shock. The cover was heavier and thicker than any thing I've ever seen. There were probably a total of 10 pages in the whole magazine that was actually written by the creators. The rest were ads. I could have produced a better magazine than that. Honestly. Flaunt, you need to step it UP.
I want to be a magazine editor so bad, I can taste it. I don't want to run an online magazine, though. I want a real, in the flesh magazine. I'm scared of the future.
What do you want in your future?
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm Leaving on the Next Plane, Hold Me Like You Know I'll Never Go...
...Even though you know I will, I'm a travelin' man.
I wish I could leave on the next plane; I want to get away, in a BIG way. I can't wait till college, and life after college. Who ever thinks I'm going to live in a small town, they better hold their breath.
Follow my blog with bloglovin´
Dear Santa,
This is my greedy list. I know I won't get anyyy of these things, but here you go.
Have fun putting my name on the naughty list.

I can only wish.
The whole banning gay marriage thing.
First of all, let me just say, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. How is it the governments concern if two men or two women get married? We shouldn't even say because of the bible, because the bible has nothing to do or SHOULD have nothing to do with our governments decisions. The whole wide world doesn't believe in the same religions. Ughh, I'm a Christian, but I seriously shake my head in disgust with some of these "Christian's" decisions.
I think it's un-Christian like to tell two people they can't marry. How is their marriage going to affect what anyone else does?
That's a personal thing, and no one should tell them they can't legally be married. What if someone told YOU you couldn't get married to another person? You'd be pretty mad, I bet.
It just all boils down to the fact that I don't understand why people make such a big deal about gay marriage. Gay men and women are just like every one else, when they fall in love with someone, they might want to take the next step...but if you cannot LEGALLY get married, then whats the next step?
Oh yeah, and in Arkansas, two people who aren't married can't even adopt children!?
Oh my goodness, these two things blow my mind.
Just because these hypocrites don't want gay couples to raise these children, they passed that Act.
Now it's going to be even HARDER to adopt.
Good job, guys.
Gooood job.
Atleast Obama is President now. That's probably the only thing that would have saved us.
World, you're in my prayers.
Santa, please get me those Nike's.
I wish I could leave on the next plane; I want to get away, in a BIG way. I can't wait till college, and life after college. Who ever thinks I'm going to live in a small town, they better hold their breath.
Follow my blog with bloglovin´
Dear Santa,
This is my greedy list. I know I won't get anyyy of these things, but here you go.
Have fun putting my name on the naughty list.
I can only wish.
The whole banning gay marriage thing.
First of all, let me just say, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. How is it the governments concern if two men or two women get married? We shouldn't even say because of the bible, because the bible has nothing to do or SHOULD have nothing to do with our governments decisions. The whole wide world doesn't believe in the same religions. Ughh, I'm a Christian, but I seriously shake my head in disgust with some of these "Christian's" decisions.
I think it's un-Christian like to tell two people they can't marry. How is their marriage going to affect what anyone else does?
That's a personal thing, and no one should tell them they can't legally be married. What if someone told YOU you couldn't get married to another person? You'd be pretty mad, I bet.
It just all boils down to the fact that I don't understand why people make such a big deal about gay marriage. Gay men and women are just like every one else, when they fall in love with someone, they might want to take the next step...but if you cannot LEGALLY get married, then whats the next step?
Oh yeah, and in Arkansas, two people who aren't married can't even adopt children!?
Oh my goodness, these two things blow my mind.
Just because these hypocrites don't want gay couples to raise these children, they passed that Act.
Now it's going to be even HARDER to adopt.
Good job, guys.
Gooood job.
Atleast Obama is President now. That's probably the only thing that would have saved us.
World, you're in my prayers.
Santa, please get me those Nike's.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Acknowledge the Rep.
Lily wants a new phone.

The new Samsung Propel. ♥
It's beautiful, & I'm fiending for it, badly.
I don't think fiending is a word.
I need a job, because since I entered the blogging world, I find so many cool things that I want to enhance my life.
& I found kicksonfire.com
& it completed my life.
Chris Breezy had on some beautiful Nikes. I found a picture.

Aren't those amazing? I love the shape.
To catch everyone up on the reading, I've been into The Mercy of Thin Air.
It's about a girl who's "in between" life and death. She's not in heaven or hell, she's still on earth. I guess shes a "good" ghost. This book is crazy weird. It's not scary or spooky or anything, she just watches this couple for a long time, and gets interested in their lives and she reflects on her relationship. It's sort of sad, in a way...since she's dead. And I'm sort of in love with the relationship she had with this boy, Andrew. It's really nicely created, the author made it believable. The book sort of talks about women rights again, whats the deal? I've been reading all of these feminist books. But, she talks about how she'd find all of these abortion and birth control pamphlets and she hides them in books in the library. I give her props for that, because if she was caught she'd go to jail.
I have to see how it ends.
Last night was TRL's LAST NIGHTTTT.
Thank God up above.
I hated TRL.
TRL put lame artists in the lime light. Yuck.
Like, Nelly, Luda (who I do actually like) and 50 cent performed. Oh & Snoop but Snoop has the right to do whatever he wants. He's made his name. But 50 Cent...really?
Oh, & whats up with 50's new show?
Dear 50 Cent,
Just because you got shot 9 times does not automatically make you a good or real rapper.
Stick to the "streets" baby boy, 'cause you do not belong in the game. Really.
If I got shot, I wouldn't become a rapper.
I'd stay locked up in my house, thank you.
Your biggest hater,
Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit I am a 50 cent HATER.
But back to TRL, let me just say, I love Snoop Dogg.
Oh, & The Backstreet Boys played "I Want It That Way",
That used to be the SONGGG.
About the whole music issue, why don't real M.C.'s get the credit they deserve and actually work hard for? Is the average American just that dense to like commerical, watered down lyrics? Seriously, Talib Kweli never is talked about. Common only gets talked about because of other people, like Kanye. No one's ever even heard of Masta Ace. :(
I can't even write about this, it depresses me too much.
By the looks of it, I can become a rapper and be popular because I'd be terrible.
Just dress flashy & make up lame rhymes.
It could be done.
Oh & I'm white.
That'd sell.
Because it's never really been done, I don't know any white female rappers.
Do you?
Acknowledge by MASTA ACE.
Do it, now.

The new Samsung Propel. ♥
It's beautiful, & I'm fiending for it, badly.
I don't think fiending is a word.
I need a job, because since I entered the blogging world, I find so many cool things that I want to enhance my life.
& I found kicksonfire.com
& it completed my life.
Chris Breezy had on some beautiful Nikes. I found a picture.
Aren't those amazing? I love the shape.
To catch everyone up on the reading, I've been into The Mercy of Thin Air.
It's about a girl who's "in between" life and death. She's not in heaven or hell, she's still on earth. I guess shes a "good" ghost. This book is crazy weird. It's not scary or spooky or anything, she just watches this couple for a long time, and gets interested in their lives and she reflects on her relationship. It's sort of sad, in a way...since she's dead. And I'm sort of in love with the relationship she had with this boy, Andrew. It's really nicely created, the author made it believable. The book sort of talks about women rights again, whats the deal? I've been reading all of these feminist books. But, she talks about how she'd find all of these abortion and birth control pamphlets and she hides them in books in the library. I give her props for that, because if she was caught she'd go to jail.
I have to see how it ends.
Last night was TRL's LAST NIGHTTTT.
Thank God up above.
I hated TRL.
TRL put lame artists in the lime light. Yuck.
Like, Nelly, Luda (who I do actually like) and 50 cent performed. Oh & Snoop but Snoop has the right to do whatever he wants. He's made his name. But 50 Cent...really?
Oh, & whats up with 50's new show?
Dear 50 Cent,
Just because you got shot 9 times does not automatically make you a good or real rapper.
Stick to the "streets" baby boy, 'cause you do not belong in the game. Really.
If I got shot, I wouldn't become a rapper.
I'd stay locked up in my house, thank you.
Your biggest hater,
Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit I am a 50 cent HATER.
But back to TRL, let me just say, I love Snoop Dogg.
Oh, & The Backstreet Boys played "I Want It That Way",
That used to be the SONGGG.
About the whole music issue, why don't real M.C.'s get the credit they deserve and actually work hard for? Is the average American just that dense to like commerical, watered down lyrics? Seriously, Talib Kweli never is talked about. Common only gets talked about because of other people, like Kanye. No one's ever even heard of Masta Ace. :(
I can't even write about this, it depresses me too much.
By the looks of it, I can become a rapper and be popular because I'd be terrible.
Just dress flashy & make up lame rhymes.
It could be done.
Oh & I'm white.
That'd sell.
Because it's never really been done, I don't know any white female rappers.
Do you?
Acknowledge by MASTA ACE.
Do it, now.
breezy nikes,
whack rappers
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Thousand Splendid Suns #2
American Women's Lives vs. Afghan Women's Lives
In America, women can work anywhere they desire. Women can wear bright colors, paint their nails, wear high heels. They can wear revealing clothes if they want, and they can laugh as loud as they want in public.
In Afghanistan, the rules for women are totally flipped in a 180 degree angle. Women cannot do any of the things I listed above.
In the book, A Thousand Splendid Suns women had no rights, whatsoever. To go out into public, women had to have a man with them. They could not laugh in public, could not wear nail polish, or high heels. They had to cover every inch of their body.
It is amazing to think that when the Taliban had power, women had to abide to their rules, or they would be beaten, or even stoned.
Women in Afghanistan probably had dreams as big as skyscrapers, but because of the rules the Taliban had created, women were stuck working in their homes.
I think people who live in America should feel very grateful and thankful every day. The problems and corruption America faces does not even match up to other countries around the world. During America's economic crisis, it is hard to remember the other countries who don't even have enough economy to have a crisis.
American's become so caught up in America, and the other countries problems start to fade out of our mind's.
When I think about this book, like I said in the first post, I become very grateful for what I can do. Women can do anything a man does. Sexism is still apparent, but not as much as it was. Women can run big companies, can be anything they want.
But when the Taliban had control in Afghanistan, women could not even breathe without punishment...almost.
I pray the Taliban never have resurgence in Afghanistan again. Women should be working over there in big groups to overcome people's prejudices of them. It is harder than it sounds, I am sure. But, anything is possible.
The author of this book, Khaled Hosseini must feel the Taliban had totally corrupt and biased laws. Men should also take the time to think about life in Afghanistan. Without women having big job's, men would be in trouble in America.
Monday, November 17, 2008
If I Were a Boy
Beyonce's new song=A++++
Zewdy from youtube sings it amazingly as well.
Mos Def's album is releasing in February:) I'm definitley excited about that. His new single released the 4th, Life in Marvelous Times.
I'm impressed.
"If Mos Def were President"
That video is dopeee.
Youtube it, nowww.
"You have more, you should do more."
"If I were President, America would be cooool again."
"We should have a voting weekend."
100 year end for the phrases
"in the club"
"thats hot"
"thats sick"
"droppin it like it's hot"
"dippin it low"
& of course
"If I were President I'd have national Tupac day,
Nattional Skateboard Day."
"You'd be a good jedi."
Basically, I love him.
Christmas is coming♥................

I know they're not Nike's, and I do feel like I'm cheating. But I love these! I think I like the white better than the black?
Zewdy from youtube sings it amazingly as well.
Mos Def's album is releasing in February:) I'm definitley excited about that. His new single released the 4th, Life in Marvelous Times.
I'm impressed.
"If Mos Def were President"
That video is dopeee.
Youtube it, nowww.
"You have more, you should do more."
"If I were President, America would be cooool again."
"We should have a voting weekend."
100 year end for the phrases
"in the club"
"thats hot"
"thats sick"
"droppin it like it's hot"
"dippin it low"
& of course
"If I were President I'd have national Tupac day,
Nattional Skateboard Day."
"You'd be a good jedi."
Basically, I love him.
Christmas is coming♥................
I know they're not Nike's, and I do feel like I'm cheating. But I love these! I think I like the white better than the black?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wisdom Teeth
I look like a squirrel. :( I've missed like 4 days of school. Ohh well.
I hope Mrs. Gillmore noticed my "A Thousand Splendid Suns" post. It's under the million pictures of the Nike's.
Tuesday was the day I went and got my wisdom teeth out. It was so weird. We drove to Jonesboro, and went to the place, filled out the papers, and then I went and sat in the room. My dad and I watched a little video about the surgery, and after the surgery. Bahah. It was weird.. The doctor came in and he talked to me about what he was going to do. Soooo then him and the lady left and I watched football highlights on espN hahah. The lady came back and took my blood pressure and all that, and then the doctors nurse came in..(it was a guy..a hot guy) annnd he did my IV. But it took him like 50 tries to find a vein. It was awkward. So finally they found a vein, and I slept. I've never had an IV before, so it was a really crazy experience! They woke me up and put me in this little dark room, and I watched another video. Then we drove home..and I slept the whole way. Then I went to sleep for like 3 days. I watched tv a lot, and ate pudding. I ate ice cream last night. Then today I watched Law & Order till my brain condensed into soup. I hate wisdom teeth. Blahhh. I feel like I've missed so much haha.
I'm watching the movie "Big" right now. Yeee hawww. I love Tom Hankes.
There are 41 days till Christmas? I think.
I'm still writing my short story..It's harder than I thought it would be. I don't know if it's believeable enough, and I keep getting stuck.
Oh well, I'll keep working on it.
I can't wait till I get better. I don't like having fat cheeks.
WRiTiNG TiP #6
Dialogue is important in a story, but it should only be used to develop character or to advance the story. It should not be used just to hear characters talk. Dialogue makes fiction seem real. However, dialogue that copies reality may actually slow down a story. Avoid unnecessary or repetitive dialogue.
I hope Mrs. Gillmore noticed my "A Thousand Splendid Suns" post. It's under the million pictures of the Nike's.
Tuesday was the day I went and got my wisdom teeth out. It was so weird. We drove to Jonesboro, and went to the place, filled out the papers, and then I went and sat in the room. My dad and I watched a little video about the surgery, and after the surgery. Bahah. It was weird.. The doctor came in and he talked to me about what he was going to do. Soooo then him and the lady left and I watched football highlights on espN hahah. The lady came back and took my blood pressure and all that, and then the doctors nurse came in..(it was a guy..a hot guy) annnd he did my IV. But it took him like 50 tries to find a vein. It was awkward. So finally they found a vein, and I slept. I've never had an IV before, so it was a really crazy experience! They woke me up and put me in this little dark room, and I watched another video. Then we drove home..and I slept the whole way. Then I went to sleep for like 3 days. I watched tv a lot, and ate pudding. I ate ice cream last night. Then today I watched Law & Order till my brain condensed into soup. I hate wisdom teeth. Blahhh. I feel like I've missed so much haha.
I'm watching the movie "Big" right now. Yeee hawww. I love Tom Hankes.
There are 41 days till Christmas? I think.
I'm still writing my short story..It's harder than I thought it would be. I don't know if it's believeable enough, and I keep getting stuck.
Oh well, I'll keep working on it.
I can't wait till I get better. I don't like having fat cheeks.
WRiTiNG TiP #6
Dialogue is important in a story, but it should only be used to develop character or to advance the story. It should not be used just to hear characters talk. Dialogue makes fiction seem real. However, dialogue that copies reality may actually slow down a story. Avoid unnecessary or repetitive dialogue.
Monday, November 10, 2008
NiKE KiCKS. Biggg Ballllin.
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Out of class novel
The book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, shows the lives of two women living in extremely complicated times. The Novel is based in Afghanistan, around Herat and Kabul. A Thousand Splendid Suns touches on the topics of the Civil War that came to Afghanistan in the 90's, and very early marriages for women. Social status was also a very big deal around this time.
The two characters are so well developed, that I began to feel what they felt, I can see what they saw. Reading this book was very emotional for me.
The main character Mariam starts the story off with details about her parents, and her life. She only lives with her mother, because her father is a businessman and Mariam's mom is a housemaid. Social status was a make or break detail for wealthy men and women.
The next biggest character Laila tells her story later on in the book. Her "Babi" is a modern minded high school teacher, and her mother is depressed because her sons joined the mujahideen to fight The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Miriam and Laila meet later on in the book, and the story becomes very intense.
To me, this book is all about choices people make, and some issues people can't control. When I hear myself complaining about little things going wrong in my life, I sit back and think about Miriam and Laila's lives, and feel pretty pathetic afterwards. The challenges I face in day to day life are nothing like the challenges Miriam and Laila face.
Reading helps me to evaluate my life, and problems that seem to bother me, don't bother me as much after I read stories like this one.
I hope I can become as strong as these women throughout my years. They each take so much pain, and so many let downs but never give up hope. They keep their eyes on what is important, and they accomplish what needs to be done.
This book is simply an inspiration.
The book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, shows the lives of two women living in extremely complicated times. The Novel is based in Afghanistan, around Herat and Kabul. A Thousand Splendid Suns touches on the topics of the Civil War that came to Afghanistan in the 90's, and very early marriages for women. Social status was also a very big deal around this time.
The two characters are so well developed, that I began to feel what they felt, I can see what they saw. Reading this book was very emotional for me.
The main character Mariam starts the story off with details about her parents, and her life. She only lives with her mother, because her father is a businessman and Mariam's mom is a housemaid. Social status was a make or break detail for wealthy men and women.
The next biggest character Laila tells her story later on in the book. Her "Babi" is a modern minded high school teacher, and her mother is depressed because her sons joined the mujahideen to fight The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Miriam and Laila meet later on in the book, and the story becomes very intense.
To me, this book is all about choices people make, and some issues people can't control. When I hear myself complaining about little things going wrong in my life, I sit back and think about Miriam and Laila's lives, and feel pretty pathetic afterwards. The challenges I face in day to day life are nothing like the challenges Miriam and Laila face.
Reading helps me to evaluate my life, and problems that seem to bother me, don't bother me as much after I read stories like this one.
I hope I can become as strong as these women throughout my years. They each take so much pain, and so many let downs but never give up hope. They keep their eyes on what is important, and they accomplish what needs to be done.
This book is simply an inspiration.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Deceit& Cramps.
Welllll my weekend has been dubbed the most boring weekend of all time.
I left school early on Friday because I felt like I was going to double over and die. I came home & took a lonnnng nice nap:) & finished The Girls which pretty much bore me to death. It had some good lessons I guess, but it wasn't worth the 400 & some pages.
I felt better that night, but everyone was already at the BIIIIIIIG game. So, I knew I wouldn't have a seat. My dad and I went to eat, and then we went to Hastings. I bought a new book:) It's called Pretty Little Mistakes. They're short stories, but there are 150 different endings. It's crazy.
Saturday night was pretty messed up. I found out a lot of stuff that I wish I hadn't. But, it helps me to move on. No one knows what I'm talking about, but thats ok.
I hung out with Jenny:)). We went to Hastings and some boys at my school were planning on beating someone up.
High school...sheesh.
Today I figured out my little mp3 player thats taking the place of my iPod. So far I only have like 5 songs..thats alrighttt. I'll get there.
& I worked on my short story I'm writing..I'm not sure how long it's gunna get because I'm just rolling with it. So far it's like 3,000 words..and thats just the beginning pretty much.
I feel like taking another hugeeeee nap. This weekend was lame.
I get my wisdom teeth taken out Tuesday. Eeek. I'm freaking out. I hope I'm out of it for like three days. Make up work is not my favorite thing, but sleep is.
I'm still excited about Obama:)
Check this out, it's amazing...

Yeahhhh. I want it really bad. I want the Obama one too:)
my favorite Mos Def song.
It's amazing.
It's 5:47 but actually it's
WRiTiNG TiP #5
I'm a musical person, so if I do things with music in the background it helps me concentrate. I like noise, I can't think if I'm in total silence. So, open your iTunes or turn on your iPod and write to your favorite mellow music.
Maybe it will stir up your ideas and make it easier to put it on paper, or on word, or wherever.
Have funnn.
I left school early on Friday because I felt like I was going to double over and die. I came home & took a lonnnng nice nap:) & finished The Girls which pretty much bore me to death. It had some good lessons I guess, but it wasn't worth the 400 & some pages.
I felt better that night, but everyone was already at the BIIIIIIIG game. So, I knew I wouldn't have a seat. My dad and I went to eat, and then we went to Hastings. I bought a new book:) It's called Pretty Little Mistakes. They're short stories, but there are 150 different endings. It's crazy.
Saturday night was pretty messed up. I found out a lot of stuff that I wish I hadn't. But, it helps me to move on. No one knows what I'm talking about, but thats ok.
I hung out with Jenny:)). We went to Hastings and some boys at my school were planning on beating someone up.
High school...sheesh.
Today I figured out my little mp3 player thats taking the place of my iPod. So far I only have like 5 songs..thats alrighttt. I'll get there.
& I worked on my short story I'm writing..I'm not sure how long it's gunna get because I'm just rolling with it. So far it's like 3,000 words..and thats just the beginning pretty much.
I feel like taking another hugeeeee nap. This weekend was lame.
I get my wisdom teeth taken out Tuesday. Eeek. I'm freaking out. I hope I'm out of it for like three days. Make up work is not my favorite thing, but sleep is.
I'm still excited about Obama:)
Check this out, it's amazing...

Yeahhhh. I want it really bad. I want the Obama one too:)
my favorite Mos Def song.
It's amazing.
It's 5:47 but actually it's
WRiTiNG TiP #5
I'm a musical person, so if I do things with music in the background it helps me concentrate. I like noise, I can't think if I'm in total silence. So, open your iTunes or turn on your iPod and write to your favorite mellow music.
Maybe it will stir up your ideas and make it easier to put it on paper, or on word, or wherever.
Have funnn.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Racism exploding?
It's hard to write a note for what I want to say. I want to write something that doesn't offend anyone, but how can I do that? I can't be angry in this note, because anger doesn't allow feedback. It just makes everyone get upset.
First of all, everyone should be congratulating Barack Obama. The people who voted McCain can't keep marinating on these false rumors of Obama's associations. How are we going to unite as a nation if all the McCain voters HATE Obama. When I read people's statuses on facebook, I feel like we haven't made any progress. We have a mixed President, yet people are calling him the n word that died out a longggg time ago. That word conveys ignorance and hate. How can someone be for a fetuses right's, but think it's perfectly Christian to use that word that cut into HUMAN BEINGS hearts. That lowered their self esteem, and their self worth. That made dreams seem too far away to reach.
I didn't want this note to be all about racism, but racism seems to be in full throttle over night. It was a quiet racism, which isn't any better. But now people are showing their true colors. How would whites feel if we saw our dad, or mother, or sister, or brother being HUNG in front of HUGE crowds, and we couldn't do a thing about it?
HOW would whites feel if we picked cotton in the blazing sun all day long, and had to answer YES MASTER to people who treated us like animals. How would whites feel if we were drug over from OUR OWN COUNTRY to a country where we had NOT ONE RIGHT. We didn't have land, we couldn't vote, we couldn't live on our own. We had to answer to someones beckoning call night and day for years.
There is no reason to be living in racism in 2008. TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHT. It's modern times, and we still have this issue of dividing people up into groups by stereotypes.
I admit, I've laughed with Dave Chapelle. I've laughed at racist comments because everyone knows how stupid it is. But I'm never laughing ever. again. I'm not going to be a part of something so inhumane.
People always tell me, LILY YOU'RE WHITE...etc. So that means I can't love hip hop music? I can't wear my high top nikes in peace? & If a black kid wants to listen to rock, he can't in peace?
He can't talk properly? It's weird if he uses "correct" English?
I'm sorry this is all about racism. I know a lot of people who just didn't agree with Barack Obama's policies, and thats FINE!
I'm talking to the people who display their racism on comments, statuses, wall posts.
It makes me sick to my stomach, honestly.
Racism lives on through ignorance. We need to learn everything we can, and teach our children that everyone is equal. BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Rich people aren't better than the poor. The poor aren't less human than the rich. Poor people aren't poor because they're lazy. They're poor because everyone ISN'T EQUAL and because they're poor, it's hard to make it out of that social stance.
We need to allow Barack Obama to come into our lives, and we need to trust him. It doesn't matter if he was German, Asian, Costa Rican, Kenyan, Jamaican, Austrian. HE WANTS TO HELP US.
We need to allow him to be able to help us. We can't put up a wall because we don't like him. I didn't like Bush either, but I gave him a chance to prove himself.
he didn't.
We have a future generation that will lead this country one day, we have to move forward.
hen will mixed children have a place? When will these stereotypes totally die out.
I just want to make a list of stereotypes that I've been exposed to in my life.
Black people like watermelon.
Every white person is racist.
White girls who date black guys are fat and trashy.
Black guys who date white girls are only using them.
Every mexican works at a chicken factory.
Black people who talk properly are "white". NEVER understood that.
White people who like rap are posers.
Every black guys sells drugs.
Black people love fried chicken & koolaid.
White people don't understand the struggle. **We have our OWN struggles.**
I've heard all of that in my life. Now, on paper, doesn't that seem ridiculous?
I'm done.
Marinate on that, and if you are racist and want to tell me why. PLEASE DO. because no one ever has a reason.
First of all, everyone should be congratulating Barack Obama. The people who voted McCain can't keep marinating on these false rumors of Obama's associations. How are we going to unite as a nation if all the McCain voters HATE Obama. When I read people's statuses on facebook, I feel like we haven't made any progress. We have a mixed President, yet people are calling him the n word that died out a longggg time ago. That word conveys ignorance and hate. How can someone be for a fetuses right's, but think it's perfectly Christian to use that word that cut into HUMAN BEINGS hearts. That lowered their self esteem, and their self worth. That made dreams seem too far away to reach.
I didn't want this note to be all about racism, but racism seems to be in full throttle over night. It was a quiet racism, which isn't any better. But now people are showing their true colors. How would whites feel if we saw our dad, or mother, or sister, or brother being HUNG in front of HUGE crowds, and we couldn't do a thing about it?
HOW would whites feel if we picked cotton in the blazing sun all day long, and had to answer YES MASTER to people who treated us like animals. How would whites feel if we were drug over from OUR OWN COUNTRY to a country where we had NOT ONE RIGHT. We didn't have land, we couldn't vote, we couldn't live on our own. We had to answer to someones beckoning call night and day for years.
There is no reason to be living in racism in 2008. TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHT. It's modern times, and we still have this issue of dividing people up into groups by stereotypes.
I admit, I've laughed with Dave Chapelle. I've laughed at racist comments because everyone knows how stupid it is. But I'm never laughing ever. again. I'm not going to be a part of something so inhumane.
People always tell me, LILY YOU'RE WHITE...etc. So that means I can't love hip hop music? I can't wear my high top nikes in peace? & If a black kid wants to listen to rock, he can't in peace?
He can't talk properly? It's weird if he uses "correct" English?
I'm sorry this is all about racism. I know a lot of people who just didn't agree with Barack Obama's policies, and thats FINE!
I'm talking to the people who display their racism on comments, statuses, wall posts.
It makes me sick to my stomach, honestly.
Racism lives on through ignorance. We need to learn everything we can, and teach our children that everyone is equal. BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Rich people aren't better than the poor. The poor aren't less human than the rich. Poor people aren't poor because they're lazy. They're poor because everyone ISN'T EQUAL and because they're poor, it's hard to make it out of that social stance.
We need to allow Barack Obama to come into our lives, and we need to trust him. It doesn't matter if he was German, Asian, Costa Rican, Kenyan, Jamaican, Austrian. HE WANTS TO HELP US.
We need to allow him to be able to help us. We can't put up a wall because we don't like him. I didn't like Bush either, but I gave him a chance to prove himself.
he didn't.
We have a future generation that will lead this country one day, we have to move forward.
hen will mixed children have a place? When will these stereotypes totally die out.
I just want to make a list of stereotypes that I've been exposed to in my life.
Black people like watermelon.
Every white person is racist.
White girls who date black guys are fat and trashy.
Black guys who date white girls are only using them.
Every mexican works at a chicken factory.
Black people who talk properly are "white". NEVER understood that.
White people who like rap are posers.
Every black guys sells drugs.
Black people love fried chicken & koolaid.
White people don't understand the struggle. **We have our OWN struggles.**
I've heard all of that in my life. Now, on paper, doesn't that seem ridiculous?
I'm done.
Marinate on that, and if you are racist and want to tell me why. PLEASE DO. because no one ever has a reason.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Day Two of Obama WEEK.
I'm still basking in the glory of Obama's win:) There have been very negative comments from sore losing McCain voters, but some McCain voters have been very positive as well! It's exhilarating. We have a long, rocky road ahead of us, but I think we're going to do just fine.
blahh, I have nothing exciting to write about except the fact that I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth taken out the 11th. I'm freaked out.
Note to self: Turn in act registration on Friday.
I went to youth tonight, and I've decided to integrate Jesus into school with me! Haha, let me explain...I think about Jesus during my hobbies..I think about him when I run, when I write, when I listen to music...so school is the only place I never think about Jesus. It's weird...I guess because I'm around so many people and I'm trying to listen to the teacher and get everything I need to do in my head. I forget to think about my future, and the fact I know Jesus wants me to live my dream..which is to be a magazine editor and be a teacher to people..to help people and talk about things I think are important. I need to have him in my thoughts when I'm at school...and I think it would make my attitude better. I get stressed on school days and take it out on people that don't deserve to be treated like that. I know I can do it, and make my life even better.
Soooo, I figure I should post some of my writing.
I want feedback, honest feedback:))
This one is about someone very special in my life.
I was missing him:(
"Behind the Camera Lens"
When I was little,
You'd sit in the bathroom
While I took a bath.
You'd grade your papers,
And I'd dunk water over my head,
Cleaning away the dirt of childhood.
Every business trip,
You'd come home, and we'd come running
To you, to see what you brought us.
Grey and I were obsessed
With beanie babies.
That time you went to Chicago,
You came home with a
Chicago Bulls beanie baby.
I still have him.
That other time,
You went to Chicago,
I missed you like crazy.
You pulled up into our rocky driveway.
I came running to you,
And scraped my knee.
I cried.
Remember the time,
I put acorns in your brand new
Hard drive?
It never worked properly,
Sorry about that, dad.
Always meant lots
Of camera film.
You loved taking
On those days,
You were always
Behind the camera lens.
When I turned 12,
I was obsessed with basketball.
Believing I was going to be
In the WNBA,
I asked for a basketball goal.
You believed in me.
And it took you 3 days
To put the goal together.
That meant so much to me, dad.
I remember,
When Pam and Brian came to visit.
We sat on the back porch,
Of the house on College Heights.
The fireflies were out,
And it smelled like summer.
I climbed into your lap,
And I felt like "daddy's little girl."
On February 2nd,
That morning I had
To go to the hospital,
You live four hours away,
And arrived in Fayetteville
In two.
I hugged you so hard.
I miss seeing you in the morning,
Sitting at the table in your navy
Blue robe, eating Honey Nut
I miss hearing
"Have a good day being smart
And pretty."
WRiTiNG TiP #4
This is a prompt I was thinking about when I was reading that book about the craniopagus twins. They go to the cemetary to visit their Aunt and Uncles graves...and it made me want to go to a cemetary with a notebook, and make up stories of those people lives. It sounds weird, but I think being in the atmosphere would conjure up a lot of thoughts.
Try it out before you get freaked out!
By the way, for Christmas I want every season of House. I'm addicted. I'm planning on marrying either Hugh Laurie, or Omar Epps. Tough choice.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yes We Did 2008.
Barack Obama is my new President.
History has been made today.
Black & white Americans can join hands and we can turn this Nation around in a positive way.
Martin Luther King had a dream, and it's coming true. We have a mixed President! The stereotype has been officially BROKEN!
Boys and girls can look at their new President and realize nothing is impossible.
The American People can realize when things need to CHANGE.
I believe in us again. I have hope.
It won't be easy, we have to work, but with new leadership, I believe that is possible.
CHANGE 2008. WE DID IT!!!!
History has been made today.
Black & white Americans can join hands and we can turn this Nation around in a positive way.
Martin Luther King had a dream, and it's coming true. We have a mixed President! The stereotype has been officially BROKEN!
Boys and girls can look at their new President and realize nothing is impossible.
The American People can realize when things need to CHANGE.
I believe in us again. I have hope.
It won't be easy, we have to work, but with new leadership, I believe that is possible.
CHANGE 2008. WE DID IT!!!!
I can't believe in a few hours, or atleast by tomorrow we're most likely going to know who our next President is. I'm so excited. I'm rooting for Obama, but whoever wins, atleast it's not Bush.
I'm in Newspaper right now. Still haven't written my Homecoming story yet. Haha, girls get your interview questions in! :(
I'm trying to think of something interesting... OH. I was watching 60 Minutes Sunday night, and it had this story of this guy who developed this muscle disease so he couldn't use like, any muscle anymore. He couldn't talk anymore either. But he discovered you can hook a computer up to your brain and think of sentences, and the computer will say them. Isn't that somethin? lol.
It was kind of freaky, though.
I was going to read Africa in my Blood by Jane Goodall, but I left it at that ladies house. Sooo, now I'm reading The Girls, a book about two identical twins joined at the head..called Craniopagus. It's kind of cool though, cause they both think differently. They're two different people, just joined together.
Sooo, my dad said something about getting a puppy this morning:) That makes me SUPER happy, like you have no idea.
This post is a reflection of my boredom, sorry.
I'll fix it laterr.
I'm in Newspaper right now. Still haven't written my Homecoming story yet. Haha, girls get your interview questions in! :(
I'm trying to think of something interesting... OH. I was watching 60 Minutes Sunday night, and it had this story of this guy who developed this muscle disease so he couldn't use like, any muscle anymore. He couldn't talk anymore either. But he discovered you can hook a computer up to your brain and think of sentences, and the computer will say them. Isn't that somethin? lol.
It was kind of freaky, though.
I was going to read Africa in my Blood by Jane Goodall, but I left it at that ladies house. Sooo, now I'm reading The Girls, a book about two identical twins joined at the head..called Craniopagus. It's kind of cool though, cause they both think differently. They're two different people, just joined together.
Sooo, my dad said something about getting a puppy this morning:) That makes me SUPER happy, like you have no idea.
This post is a reflection of my boredom, sorry.
I'll fix it laterr.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Vote, let your voice be HEARD.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cows and Labs
This weekend has been amazzzzing.
I haven't done anything with my age group, but honestly I don't really mind.
I've been around cows & lab dogs all weekend, thats why it's my title.
Friday night was Halloween, and I'm staying with one of my mom's best friends. She's so easy going and sweet, so I've been happy:) Some of her friends came over to show us their costumes. We had a Sarah Palin, a pregnant Bristol, and of course John McCain.
Ahh, it was hilarious. bahahah. Sarah had her camo on, with her beauty pageant satch, and her crown. And of course a stuffed polar bear and moose in her bag.
Then, I just finished A Northern Light, which turned out to be AMAZING. The last paragraph seemed a little weak, but ah, it was so good. Jennifer Donnelly is amazing to me now.
If you like to write, seriously, check out this book. There are so many words that I never knew too because Mattie always learns a new word everyday.
It was gooood.
Saturday we woke up wayy early and went to help with Habitat for Humanity. There were so many people helping, it made me happy. So, I only did a few minor things but it still made me feel good. All the dogs in the neigborhood seemed to gravitate towards this building site. The pitbull would just sit there and bark at a pile of rocks and then look up at us. He liked to chase the rocks, not fetch it, and just come back & do it all over again. Nice. The house looks really nice already, and it has flowers and a walkway and it's cuuute. Finally I just sat down and held the cute fuzzy black puppy cause I didn't know what else to do..everyone pretty much had it from there.
Then we left and went to the animal shelter because I hadn't seen it since it was in the park. I fell in loveee with a puppy named Satin. She was a mix and she had the markings of a rottweiler, she was so cute. So, I got her out and walked her and the Lyon College upward bound students were there making a documentary, so naturally I was in the documentary being interviewed, with dirt in my hair and on my jeans, and a film of sweat over my face, it was great.
And go adopt SATIN because shes amazing and sweet and she needs a home:(
Saturday night we went and ate at her friend's son's house. That was nice, the food was good.
& Those people are amazing..Sarah, Bristol and McCain I mean. hahah. They weren't in there costumes this time.
Today we were going to go to church, but we didn't. We went to eat breakfast with the same people. I love hearing about people's families. Woww. I'm probably going to youth tonight at my old church. I haven't been there in like a longgg time. The youth group leader was at Habitat for Humanity and she was so sweet, so yay:)
My new favorite show is the Starter Wife with Debra Messing. I thought the commercials made it look soooo lame, but it turned out to be really good.
Sorry this is all about MY weekend and nothing else.

Kind of boring, ooooops.
I'm starting a new book called, Africa in My Blood. Jane Goodall's story. I think that woman is so amazing, and she has learned so much about Chimpanzee's. I look up to her dedication and passion for what she does. I'm excited. I'll let you guys know how it turns out, and what I learn about her.
Ok, this is too long. Adios!
Go & marinate on this for a while:
WRiTiNG TiP #3:
These aren't my tips this time. George Orwell's!
I got these from the website http://www.writingclasses.com/.
One can often be in doubt about the effect of a word or a phrase, and one needs rules that one can rely on when instinct fails. I think the following rules will cover most cases:
Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
Never use a long word where a short one will do.
If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
Never use the passive where you can use the active.
Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
I haven't done anything with my age group, but honestly I don't really mind.
I've been around cows & lab dogs all weekend, thats why it's my title.
Friday night was Halloween, and I'm staying with one of my mom's best friends. She's so easy going and sweet, so I've been happy:) Some of her friends came over to show us their costumes. We had a Sarah Palin, a pregnant Bristol, and of course John McCain.
Ahh, it was hilarious. bahahah. Sarah had her camo on, with her beauty pageant satch, and her crown. And of course a stuffed polar bear and moose in her bag.
Then, I just finished A Northern Light, which turned out to be AMAZING. The last paragraph seemed a little weak, but ah, it was so good. Jennifer Donnelly is amazing to me now.
If you like to write, seriously, check out this book. There are so many words that I never knew too because Mattie always learns a new word everyday.
It was gooood.
Saturday we woke up wayy early and went to help with Habitat for Humanity. There were so many people helping, it made me happy. So, I only did a few minor things but it still made me feel good. All the dogs in the neigborhood seemed to gravitate towards this building site. The pitbull would just sit there and bark at a pile of rocks and then look up at us. He liked to chase the rocks, not fetch it, and just come back & do it all over again. Nice. The house looks really nice already, and it has flowers and a walkway and it's cuuute. Finally I just sat down and held the cute fuzzy black puppy cause I didn't know what else to do..everyone pretty much had it from there.
Then we left and went to the animal shelter because I hadn't seen it since it was in the park. I fell in loveee with a puppy named Satin. She was a mix and she had the markings of a rottweiler, she was so cute. So, I got her out and walked her and the Lyon College upward bound students were there making a documentary, so naturally I was in the documentary being interviewed, with dirt in my hair and on my jeans, and a film of sweat over my face, it was great.
And go adopt SATIN because shes amazing and sweet and she needs a home:(
Saturday night we went and ate at her friend's son's house. That was nice, the food was good.
& Those people are amazing..Sarah, Bristol and McCain I mean. hahah. They weren't in there costumes this time.
Today we were going to go to church, but we didn't. We went to eat breakfast with the same people. I love hearing about people's families. Woww. I'm probably going to youth tonight at my old church. I haven't been there in like a longgg time. The youth group leader was at Habitat for Humanity and she was so sweet, so yay:)
My new favorite show is the Starter Wife with Debra Messing. I thought the commercials made it look soooo lame, but it turned out to be really good.
Sorry this is all about MY weekend and nothing else.
Kind of boring, ooooops.
I'm starting a new book called, Africa in My Blood. Jane Goodall's story. I think that woman is so amazing, and she has learned so much about Chimpanzee's. I look up to her dedication and passion for what she does. I'm excited. I'll let you guys know how it turns out, and what I learn about her.
Ok, this is too long. Adios!
Go & marinate on this for a while:
WRiTiNG TiP #3:
These aren't my tips this time. George Orwell's!
I got these from the website http://www.writingclasses.com/.
One can often be in doubt about the effect of a word or a phrase, and one needs rules that one can rely on when instinct fails. I think the following rules will cover most cases:
Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
Never use a long word where a short one will do.
If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
Never use the passive where you can use the active.
Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
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