My blog is born!
So, a lot of kids at my school have one of these, but it's because the English teachers made them, and they only update for assignments...no offense. But, I'm totally feeling this. I remember when everyone blogged on xanga, but then people switched to myspace and facebook, so no one I know blogs anymore.
I miss it. So, here I am.
My about me is on my profile. It's long 'cause I have a problem with detail, and detail is amazing and the icing on the cake and what not, but I put wayyyy too much icing on my cake.
So, If you're curious about what I like and all that, look at my million word about me!
I'm not exactly sure where I want to take this blog..I'm just goin' to roll with it, and see where it takes me. I've been telling myself lately I need to write way more than I do, and write other things besides lyrics and poetry.
NiKE KiCKS & WRiTiNG TiPS is the name of this thing:) I have a mad obsession with Nike High-Tops. I'll put a picture on here to introduce you guys to their epicness. And yes, I just said "epicness." I guess blogging brings out my geeky side, but I think it's intelligent sexy.
This is getting way too long to be my first blog, sorry.
And the writing tips thing, I think I'm going to look up and read about things to make your writing better, and post them on here. It'll be fun. Everyone can learn; even me:). Woo.
So, I left you guys with a picture of pure ecstasy made out of rubber and synthetic materials. I have that pair, & we're in love.
This is getting way too long.
Go and marinate on this for a while,
WRiTiNG TiP #1:
Everyone has most likely heard this before, but when you begin writing, and you're stuck, write what you KNOW. The website www.writershelper.com says when a person writes what they already know, they have more authority. I'm not sure how accurate this website is, but this is something I definitely have to agree with.
As you become more developed in your writing style, and more comfortable, that's when you can start researching about things you don't know. Then you know about it, then you're writing what you know! Hey, that's kinda cool.
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